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IMRG Middle TN Chapter motorcycle rides are about having fun, and riding safely. 


This page provides infomraiton to help you ride in a safe manner with the group. 


​Riders  are required to have a Motorcycle Endorsement on their driver’s license and follow all laws and insurance requirements of the state we are riding in. All riders and passengers are also required to sign a waiver agreement. The Road Officer  / Designee for the group ride will have you complete and sign the waiver before leaving on the ride.


The goal of our rides is to have fun and get there safely so remember Ride Your Own Ride within your capability, we will always have a guide at turns and make sure that every arrives safely. 



Group motorcycle rides will have a designated meeting place with a meetup time and kickstands up (KSU) time.  You should also do a pre-ride check on your motorcycle (e.g. checking tire pressure, lights, etc) to help make sure it’s safe to ride.  Come prepared with proper clothing layers for climate changes, rain gear, sunscreen lotion, drinking water – essentially whatever you believe is required to keep your ride enjoyable.  Please arrive with a full tank of gas, and empty your bladder before the ride begins.


IMRG group motorcycle rides will have a Lead Road Officer and a Sweep Road Officer.  The Lead Road Officer plans the ride route, provides a pre-ride overview, and leads the group ride with continual focus on rider safety.  The Sweep Road Officer is the last motorcycle, and helps to keep the group together and to ensure all riders arrive at the destination safely.  If you plan on leaving the group ride early before arriving at the designation, please let the Sweep know ahead of time so they can expect your departure from the ride, and not follow you thinking you are having some sort of difficulty.


Prior to departing on the group ride, the Lead Road Officer will do a pre-ride overview covering the planned route and any stops, as well as informing riders of any known road conditions.  The Road Officer will also go over hand-signals.

Motorcycle Riding


IMRG group motorcycle rides are in staggered formation with the leader starting in the left of the lane and the next rider in the right of the lane at least one second behind the leader.  The rest of the riders in the group will follow the same pattern.  Position yourself on the side of the lane you want to ride in before the start of the ride.  Trikes will ride in the center of the lane with no riders lining up beside them.












Maintain your lane position while riding your motorcycle.  If a gap occurs due to a rider leaving, DO NOT criss-cross to fill in the gap.  Instead, when it is safe to do so, the rider closet to the gap should wave the next rider in that lane to move up to fill the gap.  A rider should not move up to fill the gap until they are waved to move forward.  If a gap(s) is unable to be immediately filled, do not worry and just stay on your side of the lane – it will be innately filled at the next traffic stop.  












A staggered formation should be maintained except on narrow or winding roads with blind corners.  In these cases, the Lead Road Officer will initiate a single-file formation.

Motorcycle Hand Signals


Hand signals (road signals) will be used to communicate with other motorcycle riders in the group.  When a signal is given, all trailing riders should also pass the signal back to help ensure everyone see it.  Below are the typical signals used by IMRG during group motorcycle rides (note: some signals may be different than those used by other rider groups).


Left-Hand Turn / Move to Left Lane

Turn on left blinker light


Right-Hand Turn / Move to Right Lane

Turn on right blinker light


Hazard on Road

Point to the hazard with either your leg or hand


Hazard on Right Side of the Road

Swing arm overhead toward right shoulder to indicate a road hazard on the side of the road (e.g. bicyclist)



If you have any type of emergency, rapidly tap up/down on your head to indicate distress, and pull over to the side of the road.  The Sweep will stop with you to assist.


Single File Formation

Extend arm and index finger straight up indicating to ride in single file formation


Staggered Formation

Extend arm with index and middle fingers straight up to indicate staggered riding formation


Move Up / Fill Gap

Swing arm to motion the rider behind you to move up and fill the gap in front of you (only motion when it is safe for the other rider to pass you)


Railroad Crossing

Swing arm back and forth in a pendulum fashion


Click here for a visual of common motorcycle hand signals



General Group Motorcycle Riding


The Lead Road Officer will set the pace of the motorcycle ride based on road, traffic, and weather conditions.  While riding in town or city limits with lots of traffic stops, group riders should try to keep the formation tight in order to more efficiently get through intersections.


The Lead Road Officer will go over any planned stops during the pre-ride overview.  Gas stops will be based on the motorcycle with the least mileage range.  Other unplanned stops may be merited during the ride.


If you have an emergency during the ride, motion by rapidly tapping the top of your helmet and carefully pull over to the side.  The Sweep Road Officer will stop with you and then determine what measures can and will be made for you, and if necessary, remain with you until help has arrived.

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